i leave for iiyama with brogi in two days, where i will be frolicking in giant snow igloos slash cleaning every inch of the customer's rooms and learning how to make beds like a BAMF. i'm a little nervous because this is a real job (minus the salary) and i'm gonna have to use formal japanese and all, which i have not used in ages. guess my next two days will be spent studying. guh. but hey heyyyy we get to take the bullet train out there for free! i'm glad the program is letting us go via shinkansen, because there was no way in hell i was ever gonna get to ride one with my own money. freaking expensive yo.
speaking of expensive, i am a huge failure like woah. i went to get my film from my new canon ae-1 camera (sawyer) developed, and waited for an hour while they worked on it, and spent $25 buying new film/getting the film developed etc etc...only to have them tell me that the film strip was blank. not a single picture. no lie, that was super depressing/embarrassing. but i'll figure it out; not sure what i did wrong the first time, but i'll make sure i don't do it again! and if i do...then i'll ask aaron to impart his awesome photography wisdom onto me.
anywho. halfway there also means that our one semester friends are leaving. jackson and TY are already back in america, and hannah and natalie leave this weekend. i am going to miss them all so much :( we've experienced the crazy times of japan together, and there are so many good memories: orientation, karuizawa, sexy talks, konbini lunches on SILS steps, etc etc. even though it's just postponing the inevitable, i wish we could keep our group whole for the rest of the year. all those inside jokes and support through hard times...i hope we all stay in touch for a long long time. <3

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